Not a Fan

Are you a Fan or a Follower
I have been watching this video series at church. It's about a man's life that was changed after having a heart attack. He went to church and said he was a Christian, but outside of church, he didn't look any different than anyone else.

Have you heard the saying, "You may be the only Bible that some people read". People are watching our lives. They listen to what we say and how we say it and they watch how we handle situations and people. If you are professing to be a Christian, will people outside of your church walls know it. This man Eric wasn't happy with what he saw after having the near-death experience. He made some very radical decisions he felt God was leading him to make. Most of all, he discovered that Love is what makes the difference. You can do the right things and say the right words but without Love, I am nothing (I Corinthians 13:2)

In some areas of my life, I am only a fan. I could always show more Love. Jesus isn't looking for fans but followers. Followers understand that:
  • There is no forgiveness without repentance
  • There is no salvation without surrender
  • There is no life without death
  • There is no believing without following
I am going to examine my life and I'm making the decision to be a Completely Committed Follower of Jesus!

To learn more go to not a fan

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