Blogging 101

   Blogging 101

 I had no idea how much time went into blogging. I started blogging to hold myself accountable for the things I am involved in, homeschooling and the need to get my house in order. My husband got me to start this blog because he has heard me talk to other moms and encourage them. He said, "You have wisdom to share with other moms, for no other reason than you have been doing this for a long time. People can learn from you and be encouraged." So, I started this blog also.
    For Homeschooling, my preschooler was getting left behind in his studies. I am running my teenagers here and there. I am getting my preschooler to watch a movie while I help his brother and sister with school. Poor guy. He has learned his shapes and colors from his workbooks and his phonics from LeapFrog. Some things he learned from some other cartoons I wish he had never learned. Blogging about his day, has made me come up with fun things to fill his school week. Most things we do aren't traditionally educational, just reinforcers. He's only 4 and wants to have fun.
    For my house, I was just tired of looking at the clutter, feeling like my house was closing in around me. I figured if I blog about it, not knowing if anyone would even see my blog, it would hold me accountable. I was going to post pictures of my journey and work against the deadline of 100 days. I am praying for that fine balance to get everything I need to get done each day. I know eventually, I can write posts ahead of time and publish them each day. Right now, it's a little everyday.
    If there is something you have been wanting to do, but haven't made it a priority, blog about it. Open a blog account at   Come up with a clever name and start writing. Blogger has cute templates you can pick from and its all free. Please take your own pictures and write your own original material. If you like the ideas of someone else, most bloggers are happy to have you link back to their site. It has really been that easy.
It is time consuming but it has made a difference these last few weeks in my preschool and my home.

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